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رقمنة التراث الثقافي واقتصاد المعرفة

بمناسبة يوم المتحف العالمي واختتام فعاليات شهر التراث ، تنظم جامعة باتنة 1 بالشراكة مع مديرية الثقافة والفنون ومديرية السياحة و OGEBC - ولاية باتنة يومي 17-18 ماي 2023 ملتقى بقاعة المحاضرات الكبرى المطوية  

The 2nd Workshop on Matter and Radiation WMR2023

The 2nd Workshop on Matter and Radiation WMR2023 is set to take place at the University of Batna 1 during the period of May 17-18th 2023 This Workshop will cover topics related to Physics of Matter and Radiation at the atomic and nuclear scales as well as those related to the radiation-matter interaction. These topics, which are of current relevance and great impact on industrial branches, are mainly subject to research conducted at the Physics Department at the University of Batna 1. We aim to bring together experts on the field in a positively convivial environment with fruitful discussions in hopes of enhancing already existing research collaborations among researchers and research laboratories and establishing new ones. We intend to involve young researchers to the fullest extent in scientific debates in order to train them. For this, and as an act of encouragement, a Best Poster/communication oral-competition will be held throughout the course of this Workshop where the Best Poster/Oral will be awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the event.